July 4, 2002
Jax: Don't feel married to the decor. You can change it any way you like. Same goes for the rest of the club.
Skye: Ooh, all this can be mine. Why, again?
Jax: Because you're the best person for the job.
Skye: Carly's job.
Jax: Past tense, past tense.
Skye: You know, you never did really explain why Carly would resign from a club that she's geared her whole life around for months.
Jax: Well, that was before she got back with Sonny. I'm not going to have my name linked with his in business, ok, not even once removed. Look, I know it's not ELQ, it's not meant to be. It'll just give you something to play with while I get you what you really want.
Skye: Well. Careful. Might spoil me.
![740204.jpg](https://moresaxy14.tripod.com//sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/740204.jpg) Jax: I intend to. Now, why don't you take a look around with a managerial eye and let me know what you think.
Skye: All right.
[Skye leaves and Alexis shows up]
Alexis: Ok, I'm here. What was so important that I had to drop everything?
Jax: Hey. I have a job for you.
Alexis: Good. I'm looking for work.
Jax: Yeah, I need you to go after Carly.
Alexis: What do you mean, you want me to go after Carly?
Jax: I need you to draft up papers that will remove Carly as co-owner of Club 101. She'll remain profit sharing, of course.
Alexis: I'm just going to ask a few questions, not in any particular order. Do you have a death wish?
Jax: No, that would be my brother, Jerry. You're getting us confused again.
Alexis: I know, you think this is funny. But three guesses as to who won't think this is funny. How do you think Sonny's going to react when big, bad Jax steals helpless Carly's new toy? Not to mention Carly. You don't think she'll fight you with everything she's got?
Jax: No, I think Carly will prefer losing the club over going to jail. She embezzled $100,000 from the club.
Alexis: Really? Are you sure?
Jax: Positive.
Alexis: Do we know why? Do we care?
Jax: Well, she's obviously got something up her sleeve. Something that's going to backfire in her face, and I don't want my businesses associated with that.
Alexis: I love you. I mean, you know that. And I would do anything for you.
Jax: Good.
Alexis: But this really isn't something that I even remotely want to get...
Jax: Sorry, it has to be you.
Alexis: Why?
Jax: Because I need you, that's why, and because you need the work. And there will be a lot more where this is coming from.
Alexis: Are you denying the fact that by hiring me to pursue this constitutes one more extra "go to Hell" to Sonny?
Jax: Is something wrong with that?
[Skye gets back to the office]
Skye: Well, I am appalled by Carly's lack of taste and we are already late for the family picnic, so do you think we can discuss the whole manager-club thing another time? We really should get going.
Jax: Yeah, I'll be, I'll be right out.
[Skye leaves]
Alexis: No, no, no, no, no, don't tell me. Carly's replacement?
Jax: Oh, she'll be great, don't you think?
Alexis: I'm liking this less and less.
Jax: But you'll do it?
Alexis: Oh, come on. I want for the record that I am doing this under duress, emotional duress, and against my better judgment.
Jax: Ok. I knew I could count on you. Look, the club is closed for the holiday. If you want to stick around and draw up a rough draft of Carly's termination agreement, I'll come back and check on it in a little bit.
Alexis: All right.
Jax: Good.
Alexis: Hey, you. It's none of my business, but Skye? Really. Seems to me like you are rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
Jax: Yeah, you're right, it is none of your business.
![740207.jpg](https://moresaxy14.tripod.com//sitebuildercontent/sitebuilderpictures/740207.jpg) [Jax and Skye arrive just as AJ flees another Q family fight]
Skye: Maybe I should go after him.
Edward: No, absolutely not. Attention is the last thing that AJ needs now. It exacerbates his behavior, and you know as well as I do that nothing is ever enough for him.
Edward: So, where's the scoundrel?
Skye: Oh, business of some kind, or so he says.
Edward: Hmm. You know, dear, you, you did the right thing signing on with me to torpedo Jax. I'm your real future. So, here, come on, take your place over here. Does everyone have a glass?
Alan: Yes, we do.
Edward: All right.
Lila: Yes, dear, make a toast.